
F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn: Review

It’s no secret that F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin significantly different from the original. And although there were enough terrible scenes in the sequel, and the dead girl Alma regularly appeared in the most unexpected places, striving to chat with the main character closer, in F.E.A.R. 2 developers made more emphasis on active shootings. Enemies of Perli dozens, we discharged a clip in them for a clip, everything sparkled and exploded around. Mochilova’s apotheosis can be safely considered the moment when the player was given a combat robot and offered to rush with a breeze in level, taking out all the oncoming ones with the help of a large -caliber machine gun and missiles. Final F.E.A.R. 2, as is customary for Monolith, left more questions than gave answers and, alas, an addition called F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn The light does not spill on the mysterious ending.http://raptorwinscasino.co.uk/

Speaking out, then name Reborn a full -fledged additive language does not rotate. The developers did not bother with the spelling of an outstanding storyline, but simply built a story that develops parallel to events f.E.A.R. 2. This time it is ahead to play for one Clone fighter nicknamed “Foxtrot 813”, and fighting will start sharply and without warning. At the very beginning, we find ourselves in the cabin of the robot already familiar on the Project Origin, and literally after a couple of seconds a furious battle boils. Enemies Prut from all the cracks, like cockroaches, from somewhere from the sky the enemy robots fall, a fire and corpses around.

F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn From the very beginning, it imposes a very active style of play and, in general, successfully withstands the pace to the very end. And although the new episode can easily defeat an hour and a half, in these minutes an impressive amount of entertainment is fitting. We’ll have to fight the armies of the same clones, to participate in a brutal sniper duel on the streets of the destroyed city, wander around the building overwhelmed on the side (this, by the way, is one and the most unusual levels), shoot mutants in some gloomy sewer. There is especially no time to get bored, and so that we do not relax, Pacstan’s Vettel, whispering his crown crazy speeches, is regularly on the stage, then the dead girl Alma, who with manic stubbornness picked up to our hero.

The degree of shootings is also high. Enemies are now not only a lot, but they have become a little smarter. They learned how to shoot accurately, trying to work in a team and even often go from the rear and from the flanks, hiding behind the boxes. AI attempts to portray tactics most often look sorry and stopped aptly abandoned grenade, but sometimes the villains manage to organize and take in number. Again, the problem is that there are few pharmacies, and ammunition end quickly, so you have to be on the alert.

Despite all the advantages, name F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn a full -fledged addition, as we have already said, does not turn. The main problem, of course, is that there is nothing new in the game. Enemies and almost all of their phrases are taken from the Project Origin, the design of levels, and indeed the graphics also migrated from the previous release, the arsenal is the same, old techniques, sounds and graphics … Well, you understand. The game will like only those who did not have enough shooting at Project Origin, although, it seems, it was there with excess. F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn it is not possible to take seriously. She is too fleeting and not very similar to the original. However, those who like fierce shootings will quickly get to the final, having received their piece of happiness. But we hope that Monolith will not let fans of the series and release a normal addition. With a sane plot, new guns and levels.

Pros: dynamic shootouts;grind enemies;Sometimes it is really creepy.
Cons: There is absolutely nothing new;The game is too short.