Remakes are a responsible and dangerous matter. Too easy to hook the feelings of nostalging fans and disappoint them. Especially when it comes to such titans of the game world as xcom. But Firaxis decided to take a chance, and we sincerely hoped on them. How justified our hopes turned out to be, you will learn from a hot plasma-laser video review.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
The best comments
Well, let’s talk about the minuses of the game and of course her pluses
The main and most significant minus is the conventionality of everything that happens because of which follows
1) The armor does not protect as in the original (there was a fixed armor and the weapon had a fixed break -in, if the damage system was caused, even if the damage was done, the armor indicator deteriorated somewhat. What allowed the next time to break through with a painful probability, plus an armor indicator was for all parts of the body- hand \ leg \ frontal armor \ rear \ head), the armor simply adds more CP
2) We no longer equip the fighters for the mission in the direct meaning of the word, we don’t choose a pain, a scolko first -aid kit, shops, grenades will take.
3) You can’t shoot where you wish to where you wish (exclusion of a grenade and missiles, thanks for this)
4) a way of appearing aliens (after we see them, they scatter in shelter, thereby the first appearance of them cannot be caught in briefly)
5) Из-за смехотворных сумм. It is no longer the impression that you manage a grandiose, financially costly project that no nation can endure on their shoulders alone
The pluses of the game (of course IMHO, but how else ?!)
1) kinematographic (this was probably not enough for the game before)
2) the 2nd system, which allows you to plan your actions more accurately
3) an interesting system of choosing events will no longer turn out “Our Retanor Epiphance everywhere” has to be chosen, which is at the moment more important, to get scientists, or to get money, but at the same time reduce panic in the terror area
4) X-Com. Damn it and it’s all the same that the same X-Come we have been waiting for more than 10 years.
PS No minuses) is better for me plusikov))))
The game is very good (in my opinion – “amazing”).
There really was a lot of skepticism in Gleb’s review and I agree with it in many ways.
But! Although I am an ardent fan of Ufo Defense, I am glad that in the “Enemy Unknown” not a dot along the entire field, but just lines. After all (if you look from the inside), these “action-punts” remained.
With pumping – soldiers run on. Abedilers – allow you to shoot twice or run trigs. Many things.
And calculate the action-punts in three steps+sake+shoot-remove the dynamics, which this game is very well tucked up.
Да, это «уже те тот X-Com». Yes.
Я скажу больше — это уже другой X-Com, который захватывает так же (!) как и его пра-пра-пра-. -great -grandfather.
And game money … Firaxis went into deep minimalism =) It is a pity that you are not turning into millions … (Imagination is tossing all of them, whatever one may say) but there is something in this.
In general, I set up “10” with this game on the “critics” because it is worthy of all the shortcomings. И я уже давно таких игр не получал в свои руки. (Eh, my beloved jagged two … what the old you are. )
И, конечно, за обзор — спасибо, Глеб! I was waiting for this game so that I even had criticism and my skepticism somehow turned off. А ты хоть немного меня на землю вернул =)
ну, всем пока, я — полетел.
For many here, in general, any post causes a burning desire to tackle his neighbor and put the minuses just like that) to be)
I was pleased that at the end of the battle, people at the base clap, rejoice as if they launch astronauts into space. Приятная такая мелочь.
All of you are about the game, but about the game, and our Gleb is well done! Отличный обзор сделал, вовремя опубликовал и грамотно сформировал свою позицию в нем. Well done!
On the game: I am not familiar with the first games, I repent, but I’m not going to miss this game. Может не сейчас, может позже, но X-COM обязательно будет в моей коллекции!=)
Весомый минус только один — первый пункт, всё остальное не критично.
2 — Бойцов мы снаряжаем в той же степени, насколько и изменилась система боя.
3-this is necessary only to destroy obstacles, but if we are all such advocates of realism, it is unlikely that a firearm can be demolished (well, except perhaps a very large number of shots), so it fell due to unnecessary.
4 — У меня бывало такое, что инопланетяне не разбегались. Я их видел, они меня — нет.
5 – yes.