Exam board: AQA B, Edexcel, CXC
Level Subject: AS and A Level English Literature, CAPE Literature
First teaching: September 2015
First examination: June 2017
This edition of Hard Times provides depth and context for A Level students, with the complete novel in an easy to read format, and a detailed introduction and bespoke glossary written by an experienced A Level teacher with academic expertise in the area.
· Affordable high quality complete text of Charles Dickens Hard Times
· Perfectly pitched introductions provide the depth and demand required by AS and A Level English
· Explore the contemporary context, Charles Dickens’ writing, the novel’s critical reception and subsequent interpretations for a deeper reading of the text
· Expand your further reading with a list of key articles and critical and theoretical texts
· Improve your understanding of the novel with unfamiliar concepts and culturally-specific terms defined in the glossary